Latest Adventures
Steph recently reminded me that I had written in the Epilogue of this blog,
The people who tell me this is a "once in a lifetime experience" befuddle me: it will be very sad indeed if I never do something even bigger and better than this. There will be many more journeys to come. ... I think the most important thing I learned on this trip is that the journey doesn't have to be out there, miles away, navigated on a map. I am the traveller and the road, and the journey is wherever I go.So on that note, I should point you to my new (as of June 2011) travel blog, with my girlfriend Steph, at stephandben.com. We traveled around Europe and Israel, moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina (for a year, Sep '11-'12), motorcycled across the Argentine northwest, and backpacked in Patagonia. If you enjoyed this motorcycle blog, you might like that one too!