Tuesday, October 24


I went to Tempe's manmade Town Lake looking for sailboat rentals this morning, but the place doesn't rent sailboats and is closed on Mondays. So after a long morning ride through the Pheonix suburbs, I returned to Scottsdale and passed out on the couch for an hour.

Everyone got rides on my bike today. Brendan got a ride to school, but none of his friends saw his arrival so it didn't have the desired social effect. (He got a faster ride in the afternoon which made up for it with an adrenaline effect.) Morgan got a ride around the neighborhood. Mari didn't want to ride. Perry went for a spin by himself (he rode a friend's Nighthawk or similar bike in college.) Then I did something very stupid and dropped the bike without putting down the sidestand - my first time doing that - so it was an embarassing end to the cool-cousin show.

Following dinner (Chipotle burritos), my uncle and I went to a Suns vs Sonics basketball game. It began with the most tone-deaf school choir I have ever heard screaching the anthem, but got better from there. The halftime show included acrobats doing slam dunks and Halloween-themed cheerleading. (Needless to say the cheerleaders looked much hotter in their regular uniforms than in hag costumes.) I was reminded that Nevada Pale Ale is a very good beer. The Suns put up a lame defense and lost by a few points.

I'll be leaving Arizona on Wednesday morning.